
  • Mbalisi Onyeka Festus Department Of Adult And Non-formal Education Faculty Of Education University Of Port Harcourt
  • Patience Ezinne N. Okoroafor Department of Geography, Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri, Imo State


Climate, Earth, Environment, Climate Change, Adult, Adult Learning


Climate change like pollution and biodiversity loss is among the most grievous global problems that affects the development of humankind and other organisms as a result of the alterations in the Earth planetary systems leading to uncertainty to global planetary events that could easily be predicted in time past. Owing to the fact the human activities contribute immensely to these alterations, this paper reveals that many adults are not yet aware of the incidence of climate change and even the politicians and policy-makers who are aware lack the will to take actions that would lead to its prevention. The paper establishes adult learning as a veritable tool for awareness creation and developing in adult (whose activities has been indicted of being a precursor for climate change) certain knowledge, attitudes and skills that are capable of engendering real environmentalism which constitutes a big step toward mitigating climate change and its associated problems. Various channels through which adult learning could be delivered to the adults were identified in this paper, including formal classes as in literacy centres, media chats, advocacy visits, outreaches, protests, demonstration and rallies, etc. The paper concludes that adult learning should be engaged to educate the adults of different status and backgrounds in the contents of various efforts necessary to avert climate change, as well as develop in them knowledge, attitudes and skills to engender real environmentalism that will bring to bear actions that will protect the Earth from unnecessary influence of man.


